The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

I have no limb or joint *** without mentioning it for you

Other than psychological pain, if matters arise that would cause souls pain when... Its occurrence may be received by some of God’s servants, but it has no apparent effect on him. Things that are painful to the senses, if he senses them, we are naturally moved by them, except that distracting him from them is something that removes his sense of them. Rather, our discussion of that is with sensation, like Job and Dhul-Nun, may God’s peace be upon them. As for the one who has nothing in his hand regarding the matter. - As usual in general, and this is the state of most of the world who are worshipers of reasons, and by it the great servants of God hide themselves from being referred to. And be patient for the ruling of your Lord that He commands, for that is steadfastness with God when the divine ruling influences him, i.e. the ruling, whether it be of affliction or well-being

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Indeed, God has deception among creatures *** and He is hidden from them, not knowing.

And he is one of them, and no one knows it except *** he who establishes the prayer in the front and after the prayer

with a monologue of humility and submission *** in which it continues over and over < /p

And witnesses see the facts in him *** sun and full moon rising over him

And the existence in which you see beings *** grants knowledge from it secretly and openly

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God Almighty said, “We will drive them back from where they do not know.” And He said, “And Our deception is deception while they do not realize it.” So if he senses deception, his being deception ceases, except in one case, and that is if he senses God’s deception in a matter in which he established it, and he established it and established it against it after knowing that it is deception from God. Such as his saying, “And God led him astray upon knowledge,” and with this degree he departs from the knowledge of the unseen, for if the Knower of the unseen knew it, it would not be unseen to him, so the name of the unseen was removed from him in his right, and it was not removed from this one who established the matter that he did not feel that it was deception from God, the name of deception by him in establishing it on. That matter is in his right, otherwise the issue is the same if it were not for this subtle difference. Among the divine cunning is what is intended to harm a serv

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