The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Glory be to your Lord, Lord of glory above what they describe, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds. There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. And that is the clear virtue. I say to him, you say to me, you tell him. He says to me, “No, but I do,” so I say to him, “So what is the matter?” and he says, “As I saw.” So I say, “I saw nothing but confusion, and there is no retrieval from me or communication from you.” He says, “I have conveyed to you.” Then I say, “I have nothing in my power.” He says, “He is the one whom I conveyed. So rely on him, and in God, so follow. ”

There is no one in the universe who knows other than Him *** and whoever perceives other than Him does not know it .

And whoever perceives a creation with the Creator *** then God protects him from ignorance. < _ _ /p>

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Everything has a balance***Everything has a deficiency and an advantage

For the righteous have a weight of their own *** and the righteous have a weighing scale for them in the truth.

So whoever carries out a weight in his fluctuations *** will be happy even if Proof came to him about that .

Because its balance and its reality*** even if a devil helps him in that .

That is why He said to him who in his way *** of his creation has no authority over him.

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God Almighty said: Good women are for good men, and good men are for good women, and to Him good words and good deeds ascend. For good deeds have a good life, which is the hastening of good tidings in the life of this world, just as God Almighty said to them good tidings in the life of this world, so they will live in the rest of their lives. He had a good life because of the knowledge he had of what had happened before From his happiness in God’s knowledge of what will lead to him in eternity, this good news will make it easier for him than the hardships and painful obstacles he faces, for God’s promise is true and His words are true, and He has been addressed with the word that He has no change, and likewise also for good deeds, change, so God will replace his bad deeds with good deeds until he wishes he had committed all the major sins. What is happening in the world from the whole world is witnessed by the eye of change in this, and I met someone in this situation in Mecca, fr

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