The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

By himself on the authority of his Lord in his claim, and he denied the best, which are the provisions of the Most Beautiful Names, so We will make it easy for the difficult. This is facilitating difficulty, and it is similar to trampling, for trampling ushers in difficulty, not ease. If someone were to try to enter into what he cannot do, he would not be able to do that in one sentence, and God has not burdened a soul with more than it can bear. In the same matter, and for this reason, His mercy encompasses all things, anger is removed, His judgment is elevated, the ranks are established, the doctrines are revealed, and He distinguishes the one riding from the one riding, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path.

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If a person is dying, he prepares himself*** to see whoever he meets with his own eyes .

How astonishing that He is absent and present *** and a person does not see him because of his being.

If it is removed from its structure and it is fleeting *** then the presence The right to cover and protect it

And whoever is too close to something, it will be veiled *** If that closeness is removed, he will help it

And he witnesses it immediately with his own eyes *** And he was singled out for this description for the sake of his time

Glory be to Him whom the eye does not bear witness to except Him *** of his glory in what he adorns and his shame.

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Between the first is connection and the last is separation, and there is nothing but the last breath, and what comes after it is an exiting soul because it is not then, and it has departed and separated from the heart in the form of what was revealed to it. If the revelation is identical to what it was, then it is happy, and if it is not identical, then it is according to what it revealed before its separation from the heart, because there it acquires. The form in which he emerges, and this is a gift from God to His servant, so that God does not take one of His servants except as He brought him out of his mother’s womb on his natural nature. The dying person has not left his home in this world, not that he is on the verge of departure. His foot is in the stitches of his stirrups, and there the truth of His saying will be revealed to him as witnesses, and He is with you wherever you may be. And his statement is regarding a group, and it appears to them from God that which they had

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