The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Power and strength belong to God *** with the one who believes in God

But Investigation is a servant who sees *** the might and power of God.

And whoever sees both matters in himself *** is under the light of God .

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God Almighty said, knowing that Moses, peace be upon him, said to his people, “Seek help from God,” and He prescribed for us in the division between us and Him that we should say, “And You, we seek help.” He said, “This is between me and my servant, and my servant has what he asks for. ”

Knowing that there is no power nor strength except in God. Characteristics of the one whom God created in His image, and He is the perfect human being. The king is not in his reality for this to be his position, but rather he is disavowed, because he is not a comprehensive slave, but rather he is one of the members of the comprehensive slave. The comprehensive slave is the one who has no characteristic left in his master except that it is in him and from his image in being able to create us. Our acceptance of that is nothing but the absolute power of one person without a helper. When he learned from us that we know that, he legislated for us to seek help from him if the acceptor needs som

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