The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So he was one of his people, rather he is the essence of the Qur’an. If he is of this description and he is one of God’s people and His special people, then all the saying is good and better, and there is no bad except in what is said about it, that is bad, or in the one speaking it, not in the saying .

There is no ugliness in speech or speech *** but ugliness is in what was said about

or said or spoken about or spoken about, so understand that and take all of existence as it A written book, and if you say it is numbered, it is more eloquent, for it has two faces, it speaks the truth, and about the truth, you are among those whom God has guided, that is, He has guided them with what He has given them of explanation. And those are the people of understanding, those who delve into the secrets of matters and their truths, who extract their treasures, who solve their contracts and symbols, and who know what signs occur in th

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By the monotheism of God some people say *** and the monotheism of many is existence

And who His Most Beautiful Names taught us *** that God does what He wants

So God was in us and in Him we were *** He is the Master and we are His servants

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Know, may God support us and you with a spirit from Him, that God has commanded us to unite Him in His divinity, for there is no god but Him, just as He forbade us from contemplating Him, so those who have considered this, those who claim to be among the people of God, such as the ancients and other theologians, and some Sufis such as Abu Hamid and others, in his meaning and what is not, disobeyed him and protested. With matters that are upon them and not for them, and after fully considering they acknowledged their inability, for if there had been true and sincere knowledge and faith, that would have been at the beginning, so they transgressed the limits of God, which are the greatest limits, and made that transgression a bringing them closer to Him, not knowing that that was the same as being far from Him, and when the cover is revealed, it will be revealed who gave and who gave.

You will see if the dust clears *** is there a hor

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