The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

For it is the surah that they recite. The Almighty has the right to grant His servants paradise without intermediary, and this pole has great knowledge and power, as Abu Yazid al-Bistami said, and he heard a reciter reciting, “Indeed, the oppression of your Lord is severe,” so he said, “My strength is greater,” and his condition was the condition of one who speaks about God, so God says about Himself that: His brutality on the tongue of His servant is more severe than His brutality with anything other than His servant’s tongue. Then His brutality on the tongue of His natural servant is more severe than His brutality on the tongue of His divine servant in a way that is not even close to being close to. And this Imam’s knowledge is most about exaltation and understanding, and the exaltation and awareness that he knows is not the common concept, rather it is the exaltation of the conventional exaltation and he put it in that. The knowledge of encompassing, and that is that His transc

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Which is at the foot of Shuaib, peace be upon him. His surah from the Qur’an is a surah, Blessed is He in whose hand is the dominion, and it is the one that argues about its reciter and its stations with the number of verses. Consider its argument in his saying, “What dissimilarities do you see in the creation of the Most Gracious, so return the sight.” Breakfast means a disorder from which he enters into what he establishes from the evidence. The sight turns to you, which is looking, helpless, far from being able to influence it with income or something like it, and he is despicable, meaning he has become weak, meaning he has become exhausted. And every verse in this Surah, it runs on this pattern until he concluded by saying, “Say, ‘Have you seen if it becomes morning?’” Your water is deep, so whoever brings you specific water, do you not see all of existence without instruction? Do you see him, in a state of necessity, resorting to other than God? He would not resort except to God

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