The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

By calling them to what power and influence they have in the world, let us mention the lengths of their lifespans in their worldly life. Among them were those whose term during their term lasted thirty-three years and four months, and among them were those whose term lasted thirty years, three months and twenty days, and among them were those whose term lasted twenty-eight years, three months and ten days, and among them Some of them lasted twenty-five years, and among them were those whose duration lasted twenty-two years, eleven months and twenty days, and among them were those whose duration lasted nineteen years, five months and ten days, and among them were those whose duration lasted sixteen years and eight months, and among them were those whose period lasted thirteen years, ten months and twenty days, and among them were those whose duration lasted sixteen years and eight months. There are those whose duration lasted eleven years, three months and ten days, and among them

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As for one of the poles, he is as old as Noah, peace be upon him. He has Surah Yasin from the Qur’an, for each pole has a surah from the Qur’an from these twelve, and others from the poles whom we mentioned may have a surah from the Qur’an and a single verse from the Qur’an, and one of them may have more than The form, and there may be some of them who have the entire Qur’an, such as Abu Yazid al-Bistami, who died until he memorized the Qur’an. Let us mention what is specific to these twelve surahs of the Qur’an. This one pole has Surah Ya-Sin, and it is the most complete of the poles in judgment. God combined for him the two apparent and hidden forms, so he was a caliph in the outward sense with the sword and in the inward one. I do not name him or designate him, for I have been forbidden from that and I know for what reason I have been prevented from designating him by his name. There is no one among the group of these poles who was given the comprehensiveness of what the polari

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So we say that his positions with God are based on the number of verses of this surah, and likewise each pole has its stations according to the number of verses of his surah, and their surahs are known information. I will mention them in general, and then I will mention them, God Almighty willing. The one is His, as we said, Surat Yasin, the second is Surah Al-Ikhlas, the third is Surah If God’s victory comes, the fourth is Surat Al-Kafirun, and the fifth is Surat Al-Kafirun. Surat If You Earthquake, the sixth is Surat Al-Baqarah, the seventh is Surat Al-Mujadila, the eighth is Surat Al-Imran, the ninth is Surat Al-Kahf, which is the one that the Antichrist will kill and Jesus, peace be upon him, will overtake. The tenth is Surat Al-An’am, and the eleventh is Surat Taha, and this pole is the representative of the Almighty’s truth, just as Ali bin Abi Talib was the representative of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. Reciting Surat Bara’a to the people of Mecca

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