The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And he brings with it apparent knowledge*** by this he means preservation and preservation

And knowledge Except for him by what he said *** The most correct and strongest evidence is clear

Minds are transformed by their proof *** The existence of the one to whom the Sharia provided help

And every sound mind will accept it*** and cover it with praise and cover it with adornment

And since the theoretical evidence is like ours in meaning, it is square in appearance, and triangulation is individual, and square is intercessory, so no one knows who Truth except the individuality of rank, and it was not known except by creation, so truth was linked to creation and creation to truth, the connection of squareness to triangulation and triangulation to squareness in the two premises that gave k

--- (Check the original text in Arabic ...)

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