The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This appears, for the truth has obligated His servants to fight with Him, stand up for Him, support Him, and take the hand of the oppressor. The matter will remain as we have said until God’s command comes, the true word is implemented, the matter is united, mercy prevails, and the whole matter returns to Him as it was the first time, and some lineages rise and some remain. According to the place, the home, and the upbringing you are in and to, time has a ruling, and the place has a ruling, and the situation has a ruling, and God decides the truth, and He is the best of arbitrators, so conflict and conflict will cease, and reconciliation and peace will remain in the abode of peace forever .

The Caliph is the one whose Imamate *** is from the image of truth, and the names support him.

The caliph is not the one whose evidence is established *** from his desires and the desires of his d

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He said the truth, but the precedent undoubtedly takes precedence, so there is no change.

If I am truthful, then the article is my article *** and if I am not, then the statement is the disputing statement .


I have the white argument in every place *** in it, for it appears near and far.

And when he invited me to speak with a smile *** I turned away from my sleep

He said to us, Welcome to Akram Samer *** repeats On the authority of the competent people, everyone is a collector.

So I said to him, “If it were not for you, I would not be a collector.” He followed and created, then my tears overflowed.

And he said, Are you crying? I said, tears of joy*** when my ears were filled wi

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God Almighty said: By God, He created you and what you do. Know that the generous one is the one who leaves his money and fulfills the rights he has imposed on himself out of generosity on his part, before he asks for them. Then he withholds a time and demands a time, so that the status of the intercessor with him in such a case and his generosity in asking the questioner in what he asked him about by answering it becomes apparent. And the servant of God is a servant. Indeed, a servant over whom Satan has no authority, he is the slave of specialization, and he is the one who does not speak except with God and does not hear except with God, so the proof belongs to God and not to him. Say, “The ultimate proof belongs to God, for it is the proof of God.” And among the slaves of specialization is he who speaks on behalf of God and hears from God. This is also among the people of the ultimate proof because He does not speak out of his own desire. It is only a revelation. He is the Most

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