The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Truth is the source of the world and the world is the source of truth. Do you not see him saying, “I respond to the call of the supplicant when he calls upon him.” Is the answer not a morphology? Can he imagine an answer without a call and a question? It is not valid for him to act in himself, for he has no action except in us, so his action is his creation of a permanent being, so entities appear and his rulings occur and connections. Do not deny

If you said, “I am one,” you would be telling the truth. *** And if you said, “We are not one,” you would not be lying.

I wish my hair was He is ignorant and there is no one but God, for everyone knows what he does not know and then knows it. And We will surely test you until we know. Some leaks from this scene have appeared among a group of people of insight who do not know where it came from. It was reported that they say that God does not know Himself because knowledge of a th

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