The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And there is no afterlife. If his appearance is to worship him in the event of his ascension and the truth descends to him, just as the truth described itself as a descent, then the meeting took place, which is the confrontation. From the point of view that the servant has an action because he must be in a lawful and righteous deed, and he is the one by which he ascends, then it shines because it is carried and he receives it. From God in terms of that work of righteousness that God has appointed for whoever brings it, and it is destined and known. Then the truth looks at this one who is assigned and sees that despite the fact that in his work, that work is not witnessed for him, because he knows that God is the One who does it, not himself, and that he is the place for creating the work with it and like a machine for the existence of that work. So the Truth gives the entitlement to that work in terms of what He promised in it and looks at what that person saw and finds it in his

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Know that Paradise has not been called a paradise except for what we have mentioned. Likewise, the angels are called a paradise, and so are the jinn. All of that is due to concealment and concealment. It is not according to the same pattern, rather its ruling is different. That is because of this type is the fact that the truth is revealed in the Resurrection and says, “I am your Lord,” and they see Him, and yet they deny Him and do not They believe in Him that He is their Lord even though there is a vision of the veil being lifted, and lo,

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