The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They want an affirmative description, and it can only be through a simile. And whoever gives an example to someone who does not accept the example, then what is his due value, that is, what he gave him the status that he deserves, then he condemns them for ignorance, as they were exposed to what they had no knowledge of in their own souls. If they said about it according to what He revealed to them, no blame would apply to them before. The right to do so is because what he narrated is not attributed to the narrator, so no blame or praise is attached to him for that. The knowledge of creation in God is not attained by analogy, but rather is attained by remaining listening to the speech of the truth, either by himself or by the tongue of the one interpreting it, who is the Messenger with the witnesses, who cannot comprehend anything with him except what he heard from the speech, as He said that this is an indication of what was mentioned above, in remembrance of the one who had a he

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