The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Restricted, absolute, impartial, *** holy, full of place

Who said longing? My eyes *** want to see us, for we have dried up

Where am I from you, O our eyelids *** You have not noticed the action and the time

How can she see my majesty *** when he saw the shock of whoever saw us

God Almighty said, “And we are closer to Him than our jugular vein,” and He said, “And He is with you wherever you are,” and so it was. By his identity with us and by his names he is closer to us than we are. If the truth combines itself with its oneness, then by its names in terms of the various realities they indicate and what their meaning is other than Him, they and their meanings are His essence and His names, so the metaphor for that in the world of words and words must be with the plural form such as “w

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