The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They spend their time looking at her beauty. If a woman becomes pregnant from that intercourse, whatever they imagine of that image in the soul will affect that pregnancy, so the newborn will come out in that state, and even if it does not come out like that, then something occurred in the souls of the parents when the sperm descended into the womb, and that brought them out. The matter is about seeing that image in the imagination from a place where they are not aware, and the common people express it as a woman’s dream, and it may happen by agreement when the image of a dog, a lion, or some other animal occurs in the soul of one or both spouses, and the child emerges from that dream in his morals in the form of what happened to the parents of imagining that animal. And if they differ, then the image of what the father imagined and the image of what the mother imagined appears in the child, even in the sense apparent in the image or in the ugliness. And despite their knowledge of

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And know that in the presence of imagination in this world, the truth is the place of creation of the servant, so no thought comes to him about a matter except that the truth is in this presence just as he creates the objects of possible things if he wills whatever he wants of them, so the will of the servant in this presence is part of the will of truth, for the servant does not will except that God wills, so the Truth wills, unless the servant wills in this world, and some of what the servant wills in this world occurs through the senses, and as for imagination, it is the will of the Truth in influence, then the truth .

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