The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Know that the divine mercy that God created in His servants so that they might have compassion by it was created from the intrinsic mercy with which God created the world when He wanted it to know, and with it He decreed mercy upon Himself, and this written mercy is passive of intrinsic mercy and grateful mercy is what encompasses all things as mercy. A thing for itself is extended and looked upon by intrinsic mercy, and witnesses fall into it from every merciful person with Himself. God has described Himself with love and intense longing to meet His loved ones, so He did not meet them except by virtue of this mercy that the possessor of this mercy witnesses. It is the mercy that He has decreed upon Himself and is not visible in intrinsic mercy. Nor gratitude. As for the mercy of the merciful toward those who wronged him, and what is required by the inclusion of divine blessings and existential expansion, there is no witness to it except the mercy of gratitude, which is the mercy

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