The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The eighth is the path of those whom You have bestowed. The ninth is not upon whom wrath is incurred, nor are those who go astray. So the loser who neglects his prayer is the one who does not attend with God in one of these sections that we mentioned in Al-Fatihah, which is the one that God mentioned in accepting from the tenth to the half. So whoever sees that in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. A verse from it, and he does not separate it from it, so the division is based on what we mentioned in Al-Fatihah, for God’s ruling on matters is the rule of the diligent person, so he is with him in his ijtihad, and whoever’s ijtihad leads him to the conclusion, then he separated the Basmalah from Al-Fatihah, and the Basmalah is not a verse from it. God made for him the ninth part, nor of those who go astray, and the Basmalah is more deserving and more worthy, for it is from the Qur’an without There is doubt among scholars about God and their repetition in surahs is

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