The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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As for the secret of the state, it is permanence, and it has neither a beginning nor an end, and it is the essence of the existence of every existing thing. I have introduced you to some of the secrets that the men of symbols know, but I have remained silent about much, for its door is wide, and the knowledge of visions, the isthmus, and divine proportions of this kind, and the discussion on them will be long.

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As for their knowledge of letters and names, know that letters have properties and are of three types, including numerical, verbal, and conjured letters. And by conjured letters, I mean the letters that a person conjures in his illusion and imagination and pictures. Either he conjures numerical letters or verbal letters, and so on, letters have another rank, so he does by conjuring just as he does with a book. Or pronunciation. As for the letters of pronunciation, they are only names. These are the properties of names. As for the numbered ones, they may not be names. The people of this knowledge differed as to whether a single letter does it or not. So I saw among them a group of people who prevented that from being done. There is no doubt that when I went into something like this with them, I stopped them on their mistake in that. What they went to, and their error, and what they lacked in the expression of that, and among them were those who confirmed the action to the single le

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Know that a single letter, whether it is punctuated or pronounced, if the one intending to work with it is not aware of its conjuring in the number or in the pronunciation is imagination, he will not work, and if the conjuration is accompanied by action, then it is a compound of conjuration and pronunciation or a number, and the form of conjuration with the single letter is absent from both groups, so whoever agrees He has conjuration with a single letter, and he saw the action, he neglected the conjuration, and attributed the action to the single letter, and whoever had the pronunciation or number with the single letter without conjuration, and the letter did not do anything, he said that it is forbidden, and not one of them understood the meaning of conjuration, and these are the letters of compound proverbs like the wawin and others, so when we alerted them to something like this, they tried it. They found it to be correct, and it is a knowledge that is detested by reason and l

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This knowledge is called the knowledge of the saints, and through it the essence of beings appear. Do you not see that the Truth pointed out this by His saying, “Be,” and it is? So the universe appeared from the letters, and from here Al-Tirmidhi made it the science of the saints, and from here he prevented the one who prevented the single letter from being made, for he saw that with divine power, it did not come about creation. One letter, but it brings three letters, an unseen letter and two apparent letters, if the being is one. If it is more than one, three letters appear. These are the sciences of these men mentioned in this chapter. Most of the men of this knowledge made a table for that and made mistakes in it, but it was not correct. I do not know whether they did it with intention so that they would leave the people in Blindness to this knowledge, or are they ignorant of it? The later ones followed the Sunnahs of the earlier ones, and the student of Ja`far al-Sadiq and ot

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And know that these letters did not have this property from being letters, but rather they had this property from their being shapes. Since they had shapes, the property was of form, and that is why their work differs according to the different pens, because the shapes differ. As for digital, their shapes are perceptible to the sight, so if their objects exist and their spirits and their intrinsic life accompany them, this property is Therefore, the letter has its shape and its combination with its soul. Likewise, if the shape is composed of two, three, or more letters, the shape has another soul, not the soul that the letter alone had, for that soul

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