The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

What people are new to is in confusion, for God is always a Creator and the world is in constant need of Him in preserving its existence by renewing it. The world is intelligible in itself and exists in God Almighty, so its psychological limits are the same. This is what called accountancy to say that the objects of the world are always renewed in every time, and I was astonished by the intelligibility of the world in terms of What is limited is an imaginary matter that does not exist except through illusion, and it is capable of these meanings. And in knowledge there is something other than all of these meanings, so it becomes perceptible, a matter that is in itself a collection of intelligibles, so its conception is problematic and difficult for the one who is overcome by his illusion, so he is torn between his knowledge and his illusion, and is a subject of confusion. A group said that the symptoms are renewed. On essence, and essence is constant in existence, even if it does n

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