The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Every name by which something is called that gives him benefit is the name of God, except that he does not apply it to him as a legal ruling or divine instruction, and the divine name “Al-Mughni” is the one that gives the status of the “rich” to the servant by whatever he wishes, from which his soul is self-sufficient, and the “rich” even if he is in the name of God, then he is the subject of blind temptation. For it gives arrogance to the servants of God and inherits ignorance of the world and of himself, as the companion of Al-Junayd said, and of the world until he mentions this with God. And if the one who said this statement was a wise man and knew that God did not address his servants except to the extent that he made them accept the knowledge of his speech, then his speech would be varied so that the matter would be broad and comprehensive, then what? God created the world on one footing, except for one thing, which is poverty. Poverty is intrinsic to it, and richness is an

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