The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And his companions, he said, then God sends upon them birds like the necks of camels, and they pick them up and throw them into the vagina, and the Muslims will burn their bows, arrows, and quivers for seven years, and God will send upon them rain from which there will be no house, nor hair, nor milk. He said, then he will wash the earth and leave it like a slipper. He said, then it will be said to the earth, “Put out your fruit and return your blessing,” and on that day the clods will eat. The pomegranate tree, and they will take shade from its shell, and God blesses the Messengers, to the point that a group of people will be satisfied with the fodder from camels, and the tribe will be satisfied with the fodder from cows, and the thigh will be satisfied with the fodder from sheep. While they are like that, when God sends a wind, it takes the soul of every believer, and the rest of the people will remain joking around like donkeys, for upon them the Hour will come. He said. Abu Is

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Know that I am in doubt about the duration of this Mahdi’s stay as an Imam in this world, but what I asked of God for is the fulfillment of that, nor his designation, nor the designation of an event from the universes, unless God informs me of it from the beginning, not from a request, for I fear that I will miss out on my knowledge of him, Almighty God. The time in which I ask God Almighty for knowledge of the universe and its events. Rather, I have submitted my affairs to God in His possession. He does whatever He wills. I saw a group of people of God Almighty requesting knowledge of cosmic events from Him Almighty, especially knowledge of the Imam of Time. I refused that, and I feared that my nature would steal me away by associating with them while they were on the same page. This is the state of affairs, and what I wanted from God Almighty is for Him to grant me steadfastness on one level of knowledge of Him, and if circumstances fluctuate, I do not care. And when I saw Him,

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