The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So their belief in falsehood is a belief in exaltation, and their disbelief, meaning their concealment of the attribution of existence to God, due to participation in that, and for this reason, God Almighty said, “Those are the losers, because they lost in their trade the existence of a profit, showing the completeness of the matter as it is, so they bought error for guidance, that is, confusion for clarification, so they took the confusion and knew.” The matter is great, and the statement is restricted, and it is not restricted, so they preferred confusion over explanation. As for those with sound reason, correct consideration, and general faith, they are the ones who demonstrated confusion in its place and place.

So he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Increase my confusion in you.”

And they established the clarification in its place, which cannot be known except through clarification and does not admit of confusion, so they gave every rightful per

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As for the effect of honesty, it is witnessed in people who do not have that status among the causes of happiness brought by the laws, but they have a firm footing in honesty, so they are killed by determination, which is honesty. It was said to Abu Yazid, “Show us the greatest name of God.” So he said to them, “Show us the smallest, so that I can show you the greatest.” The names of God are all great. So what is it? Except honesty, be honest and take any name you want, for you can do with it whatever you want. With it, Abu Yazid revived the ant and revived Dhul-Nun, the son of the woman who was swallowed by the crocodile. If you understand, it has opened for you one of the doors of your happiness. If you work on it, God will make you happy wherever you are and you will never make a mistake, and from here you will be at ease with... God, if the unbelievers have victory over the Muslims, then you know that their faith has wavered and has entered into error, and that the unbelievers

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As for the seal of the guardianship of Muhammad, he is the most knowledgeable of creation about God. He is not in his time nor after his time more knowledgeable about God and the places of judgment than him. He and the Qur’an are brothers, just as the Mahdi and the sword are brothers. But the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, doubted the duration of his stay as a caliph from five to nine due to the doubt that occurred. In his ministers, because every minister has a year, and if there are five of them, five will live, and if they are seven, seven will live, and if they are nine, nine will live, because for every year there are special conditions, and knowing what is appropriate in that year, he singles out one of his ministers, so they are not less than five or more than nine, and they are all killed except One of them was in the meadow of Akka at the divine table that God had made a table for wild birds and vermin, and that one who remains, I do not know whe

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As for Al-Khidr, who is killed by the Antichrist, in his claim, not in the matter itself, he is a young man full of youth, and this is what appears to him in his eyes. It has been said that the young man whom the Antichrist kills, in his claim, is one of the Companions of the Cave, and that is not true with us through revelation and appearance.

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