The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This house has several houses, including the house of precedence, the house of glory, the house of the spirituality of the spheres, the house of the divine command, the house of birth, the house of balance, and the house of glad tidings of the meeting, and in it I say

And from Mansions are not decreed *** Like time, it is imaginary

The circles point to it in turn *** And He has the greatest disposition and position

< p> He says that since eternity was an imaginary matter in relation to the Truth, time was also an imaginary matter in relation to the Truth, that is, an imaginary period interrupted by the movements of the spheres, for eternity is like time for creation, so understand

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This is the house of convergence, and it is dominated by coalition, not disagreement. God Almighty said, “And turn the leg with the leg to your Lord on that day, the path,” and it contains houses, including the house of the Bahrain Complex and the gathering of the two matters, and the house of honor of Muhammad, which is next to the Samadi house, and about it I say

The positions of the L in the investigation and the alif *** when they meet are separated when they are joined

They are the highest proof of the one who said, “I am the secret of existence, and I am its essence, ” so they are .

Yes, they are the two proofs when they guide by their condition *** not like the one who guides by statements, so they cease.

He says that if the Lām is connected to the Alif and is joined together and becomes one eye, and this is app

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It includes houses, including the house of enumerating blessings, the house of removing harm, and the house of absolute polytheism, and about that I say

The houses are determined by silence * ** Appearance was preferred over latency

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