The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The most difficult thing that happens to man, when God knew that you would not be able to expel the Messenger while you remained in your homelands, that is the status of what the Messenger deserves from you. He said, “And beware of you,” so he partnered with you in expelling the Messenger just as he partnered you in enmity with God, so that you might be more careful not to meet them with affection and to take them. Enemies and believers here are all except the Messenger. If the Messenger became clear to him that someone was an enemy of God, he disavowed him. God Almighty said against Abraham and his father Azar after he had admonished him and shown compassion for him because he had it within his power to return to God and his monotheism from his polytheism. So when God made it clear to him in His revelation revealed to him the matter of his father, and Abraham realized that his father, Azar, was an enemy of God. He disowned him despite being his father, so God praised him, saying,

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Know that there is an occasion between him and someone who is an enemy of God, and for that occasion he will not disavow him if it becomes clear to him, because before the clarification he is excused. God Almighty said, “It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they Companions of Hell and he said what happened It is permissible for the people of Medina and the Bedouins around them to lag behind the Messenger of God and not to prefer themselves to himself. For the inmates of Hell are none other than the enemies of God Almighty who are the inmates of Hell.

Be With the truth, do not seek any substitute for it *** And single out the truth and do not use an example for it

And God is the Grantor of help and success, and know that this revelation contains the knowledge of increasing goodness and in it is the kn

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