The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Know, may God help you, that since the knowledge attributed to God does not accept multiplicity or order, it is neither acquired nor benefited from. Rather, His knowledge is the same as the rest of the attributes attributed to Him and the names by which He is named, and the knowledge of anything other than God must be of limited order, regardless of whether it is The sciences of the gift or the sciences of acquisition, for they are not devoid of this order that we mention, which is the science of the singular first, then the science of composition, then the science of the compound, and there is no fourth for it. If it is one of the items that do not accept composition, teach it singular, and so do the rest, for every known thing must be either singular or composite, and the composite. It necessarily calls for the advancement of the science of composition, and then the science of the composite is

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So, you have learned the order of all the cosmic sciences. Let us explain to you the inventory of the levels in this station, which are many and countless, and let us limit them to what is specific to our law and what distinguishes it, not to the levels that we have in common with other religious and religious sciences, and in total there are nineteen levels. Mothers, some of which are branched into stations, and some of which are not. Let us mention the names of these ranks and give them the name of houses, for this is how we are known by them in the Divine Presence and etiquette. Let us mention the titles of these houses and the attributes of their masters and poles who are attained by them and their conditions, and what each state of these conditions is capable of describing. Then after that we mention that: God willing, each category of these nineteen, and we will mention some of what it contains of the mother stations, not of the stations, for then there is a house that inclu

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Among these are the houses of praise and praise that are for the lords of revelations and conquests, the houses of symbols and mysteries for the people of truth and metaphor, the houses of supplication for the people of signs and distance, the houses of actions for the people of adverbs and communication, the houses of beginning for the people of obsessions and gestures, the houses of exaltation for those of guidance in debates and deduction, the houses of approximation for those who are alienated, and the houses of expectation for those who have veils for The rosaries and mansions of blessings are for the people of movements, the mansions of divisions are for the people of spiritual management, the mansions of eternity are for people of taste, the mansions of the vessel are for those who see with sight, the mansions of the lam and the alif are for the circumvention that occurs through creation with divine morality and for the people of the secret that is not revealed, the mansion

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As for mentioning their conditions, know that God Almighty has prepared the dwellings for the one who descends, set foot on the strongholds for the wise one, angled the stages for the one who is departing, and the highest landmarks for the scholar, and separated the divisions for the divider, and prepared the divisions for the one who divides, and prepared the capitals for the one who is sitting, and raised the bases for the one who is sitting, and arranged the observatories for the observer, and set the boats near for the one who travels, and the lines of the points of interest for the one who seeks, and the plain of the destinations for the one who seeks. He established knowledge for the one who knows, established the places of worship for the one who stands, made rugged paths for the traveler, appointed rituals for the hermit, silenced the sights for the witness, and guarded the graves for the one who slept.

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For God Almighty has made the one who descends destined, the wise one a thinker, the departing one standing up, the knowledgeable one watching, the one who divides, struggles, the one who divides, strives, the one who rises, is a helper, the one sitting, a knower, the one who observes, a standing one, the one who rides, is carried, the one who goes, is caused, the one who praises, is responsible, the one who seeks, is accepted, the one who knows, is amazed, the one who stands, is astonished, the one who walks, is rejected, the one who performs, is turned away, and the witness.

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