The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God is a target, so He made His dwelling place in the most honorable of places, which is the point on which the pillars of the Tabernacle rest, and He made the surrounding throne the place of the merciful leveling, as befits His majesty, as signs of the divine connection that exists between the throne and the earth and what is between them of the levels of the world, the general bias of the spaces of the spheres and the pillars. For all the world is in the interior of the throne except The earth is the seat of the bed, so when God wanted to create us to worship Him, the road was close to us, so He created us from dust in dust, which is the earth that God made submissive and submissive worship, so we are essentially humiliated. We are not like those who created a light from the light and commanded worship, so the apartment was far away from them due to the distance of the origin from what He called them to in terms of worshiping Him. If it were not Indeed, God bears witness that He

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