The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And I witness to it everything that was absent in the first abode, and He inhabited this creation the other abode called Paradise from it, for He divided the other abode into two abodes: this is the one abode and the other abode called Hell. He made the abode of the creation of their speaking souls racist, accepting of change, and accompanied them by ignorance, and took away knowledge from them, so He gave ignorance. The believers are among the people of imitation, whoever was from the people of this abode, the abode of misery, and knew the details of matters, and because of that ignorance entered Hell, since he was one of its inhabitants, and it does not accept scholars. This scholar, who was in this world, knowledgeable of the details of matters, and was not among the people of Paradise, was given the ignorance of the imitating believer, for Paradise is not a abode of ignorance. So the believer sees the idiot who imitates his ignorance of that world, and he seeks refuge in God f

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And know that whoever claims today that knowledge is happiness is telling the truth that knowledge is happiness, and I say so, but he missed what the people of revelation realized, which is that if God wants the servant to be miserable, He removes knowledge from him, for the knowledge was not intrinsic to him, but rather he acquired it, and if it was acquired, it is permissible for it to be removed and covered up. The condition of ignorance, for the essence of taking away knowledge is ignorance, and nothing remains of his knowledge except the knowledge that knowledge has been taken away from him, so if God Almighty had not left him this knowledge .

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