The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The happy one is the one whom God has placed between him and his lordship and established him as a servant at all times who fears and hopes out of faith and does not fear or hope in sight

The servant is only he who fears and hopes * ** The servant is not one who fears and hopes .

And for this reason he is protected from every evil *** and for this reason he is repulsed from every action

And you will see him with every face happy *** And if he slips in judgment, he will be saved

The servant will be gathered in Delegations to him *** And if he is not a slave, please

If the one who fears him is saved *** then the one who has established acquaintances will be saved

--- (Check the original text in Arabic ...)

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Know, may God help you, that the world with God is someone who knows the apparent and the hidden, and whoever does not combine them is not a particular scholar or a chosen one. The reason for that is that the reality of knowledge prevents its possessor from doing in his circumstances something that contradicts his knowledge. So whoever claims knowledge and acts contrary to it in the situation that is required of him by reason. And according to the law, acting upon it is not a knowledgeable, nor is it apparent in the form of a scholar, and do not deceive yourself, for the consequences of that will not affect anyone but you. If you say, “We may find someone who knows and is not blessed with success in working with his knowledge,” then it may be knowledge and no work. We said, “This is an error on the part of those who say it.” So that you may know that the name “knowledge” is given by its name. What is knowledge and what is not knowledge, for God Almighty says, “So turn away from hi

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