The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The knowledge of the purity of souls. Is their purity intrinsic or acquired? It contains knowledge of the virtue of the two testimonies, what polytheism is praiseworthy and what is reprehensible. It contains knowledge of the rank of a believer compared to others, along with sharing in humanity and its necessities and limits. The one with which the distinction occurred is present in every human being because it is verified in the same matter, so it is attributed to every human being. One lineage, so when the believer is singled out for it from others, and it contains knowledge of taking into account the universes from the great ones rather than the truth, is that out of mercy for them or is it out of nature, and it contains knowledge of the rank of divine duties, and it contains knowledge of the conditions, testimony, and issues spread in the world, and it contains knowledge of affiliation to God, and who should be attributed to God, and what is attributed to God in addition to wor

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O apple of the eye, the heart desires you *** If it were not for you, I would not be among those killed if it were not for you

I only have the same amount of money that I know of *** If you are satisfied with that amount, I will enrich you

Existence has poverty and misery *** To perfection, for the house of poverty is your refuge.

Do not be unable to achieve perfection, for there is no one in the universe who knows what is required except you.

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Know, may God help you, that the talisman was given this name because of its reversal, meaning that it has authority over everyone who has been entrusted with it. Every authority is a talisman as long as it is authoritative, and from that is what has authority over the minds, which is the strongest of them, for it does not allow them to accept divine news and revealing prophetic knowledge except what enters it. Under its interpretation and balance, and if it is not of this ideal, do not accept it. This is the most difficult rule in the world, because the person who is under interdiction misses out on a lot of knowledge about God, so thought became a talisman for him and God gave him power over it to think about it so that he would know that no matter is known except through God. So the matter was reversed by this authority, and he said to him, “You do not know, God, oh.” Mind except by me. The other talisman is imagination. God has given him power over meanings. He covers them wit

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