The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If a creation from his wild nature could match him *** my heart would match him, but his glory is forbidden

So I said to the heart, “Do not be obscured by its image.” But it did not answer, nor did it listen or listen.

My heart called to him, and he fulfilled his need.***So his saying, “Labbayk” when he called


If only my heart knew what I would say to it*** in the same way it wants from it, it would not be greedy

But he is miserable and ignorant of the original *** When what enriched him came, he said he called

So whoever preserves from himself his humiliation and need and preserves from God all the names with which he described himself and which he gave in the revelation that they are

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And when the morning dawned with them, the One with two eyes stopped the truth from His servants whomever He wished before His hands, and addressed him, informing him of what was his and his duty, and said to him: If you do not fear God, you are ignorant of Him, and if you fear Him, you are ignorant of Him, and you must have one of the two qualities. For this reason, heedlessness was created for you, so that you may be stripped of the ruling of the two opposites, and forgetfulness, because Without heedlessness, the rule of either of them appears, so thank God for heedlessness and forgetfulness. Then it was said to him: Beware of those who conceal themselves lest they lure you into them, for they are people of deceit and deception. Is concealing the one who is closer to you than your jugular vein? He is not concealed from you except through you, for you are the very eye of his concealment upon you. If you saw your inner self, you would see it, and so is the one who conceals it from

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