The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The truth is his sight, which is the eye of the glory of the face, for God continues to see the world and has not ceased to see it, and the world has not burned up his vision, and among them is obscuration without care, such as the Almighty saying: No, indeed, they will be hidden from their Lord that Day .

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Know that the veils are of different types of existential veils between the universes, such as the Almighty’s saying, “So ask them from behind a veil, and among them are veils by which the creation is hidden from God, such as His saying, “And they said, ‘Our hearts are in veils,’ and among them are veils by which God is hidden from His creation, such as

His saying, ‘Pray.’ God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, will appear on the Day of Resurrection to His servants, with nothing between Him and them except the veil of pride on His face, and in a narration between Him and His creation are three veils

or as he said, and from them, and it is not for a human being that God should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil as He spoke. Moses, peace be upon him, from the veil of fire, the tree, the shore of the right valley, the right side of the mountain, and in the Blessed Spot, and as he said, reward him until he hears the word of God. So God spok

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