The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And among them are those who gave him four powers, which is the goal, for existence based on squareness is established without more, except that every power includes powers whose number no one knows except God. This is in the sense that the angels are bodies of light, so they have these powers in terms of their bodies, for they are composed like natural bodies, so the angel is the owner of the two powers on The structure of the plant, the owner of the three on the structure of the animal, and the owner of the four on the structure of man, and the generators ended, so the powers of the angels ended, and the body gathers all, so it is encompassing, so the angels accepted the luminous bodies from the darkness in which the luminous body appeared, all and before the form and images, and in it we reveal the royal and blind spirits of this whole body and the images and shapes it carries. Divinity and spirituality are in the same place as the essence in natural bodies, and the detail on t

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And know that every spirit that is below the first mind, the owner of the word, is a king, and whatever is above it is a spirit, not a king. As for the angels, they are something between a subjugated and a controlled one, and they are all messengers of God about the command of God, keepers, and they are in ranks, and they have ascents, descents, and ascents in this world and the hereafter, so among them are those who are subjugated in supplication and seeking forgiveness. For the believers and others in seeking forgiveness for those on earth, and among them are those who are subjected to the interests of the world related to this world, and among them are those who are subjected to the interests of the world related to the Hereafter, and this amount of work that they are engaged in is their worship and prayer, and as for their glorification, the remembrance of God in these prayers that they have is like recitation and remembrance for us in our prayers, and the matter will remain l

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