The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

From it in the recitation that is before it, it contains what is in the first and an addition. Such are the divine words of existence, and the other includes what is in the first, and the apparent includes what is in the last and the first, and the hidden includes what is in the apparent and the last and the first, and if something came after the hidden, it would include the hidden and what came before it, but it is limited. He prevented there from being anything other than these four and no fifth except His identity, the Most High, and there is no rule in the world except from these four. And in the form of these four, the world of spirits and the world of bodies appeared, and there was then a world other than these two. Of the divine things there was knowledge, will, power, and a statement about them, the world of spirits outside of nature and nature appeared. Then He revealed nature on four things, and from them He revealed the world of bodies, their denseness and subtlety, jus

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