The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

One group and how it distinguished one group from another, and what characteristic did each group lack until the groups dispersed and did not separate into individuals? And in it is the knowledge of the first power to have the ruling upon resurrection from the sensory powers. Is it preceded by the ruling of another power of the sensory powers before the resurrection or not? And in it is the knowledge of diffusion. The divine spirit over all bodies. It contains knowledge of the conditions of God’s rule over creation on the Day of Resurrection and by what name He will be revealed on that day. It contains knowledge of the divine power, spreading and folding, at what time it will be, and whether the resurrection of the world will advance or be delayed. If it is delayed, then where will the world be at that time, and will angels and humans meet in one plane? On that day or not, and in it is knowledge of the condemnation status of the one who describes the truth with descriptions of cre

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