The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Glorified and Exalted be He, regarding the companion, the child, the partner, and whatever the Truth has distanced itself from, this does not affect the person in this position, rather it is his perfection, and that is what is done to him by the slanderers, for he did not judge him except according to what he saw of him and he said with his tongue about him what he knew to be contrary to in himself, unjustly and arrogantly, as he said. God Almighty, and they denied it, and their souls were certain of it, unjustly and arrogantly. So see what was the outcome of the corruptors, and so will be the outcome of this. The degrees of truth are what He knows, and the owner of this position distinguished them when he distinguished them. He is the apparent and hidden God, the first in existence, and the last in witnesses, and God is self-sufficient. Two worlds, so no disguise enters him, and God allows him no disguise It will be said, “God, so pay attention to what I have alerted you to so th

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