The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Absolutely, and never except from souls and possessive minds, he takes a state and does not take a speech unless something is embodied in his imagination in his imagination that addresses him, and the one who follows the legal method imitates the lawgiver in what he told him, that there is no god between him and the world, and that there is nothing like Him and there is nothing like Him. It resembles something from the world above and below, and with all of this, He has an eye and eyes, a hand and two hands, a face, speech, descent, leveling, joy, and companionship with His servants, nearness and distance, and an answer to those who call upon Him, and mercy, and that the entire world is slaves to Him. He created them and favored some of them over others, and that He has usurpation, and that He has successors on earth of this type. The humanist, when he heard that and learned that there was a caliph of his kind, he aspires to that rank that he will attain, and he saw the path that

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