The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

No way, you are bound by a caliphate *** Where is the freedom and the door of your universe opens ?

And the heart is behind broken bolts *** whose keys are lost and cannot be opened

Do not rejoice in the opening of your chest, for it is *** an opening so that you may know that your restriction is more effective < / p>

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Know, may God help you, O intimate friend, that people have spoken about the Sharia and the truth. God Almighty said to his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, a command: “And say, ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge’ that He intends to know about in terms of the aspects that God Almighty has in every created and created thing, and it is the knowledge of the truth, so what is the request for additional knowledge?” The knowledge of the Sharia, rather, he used to say, Leave me as I have left you. The knowledge of the Sharia is a science of argument and a path that must be followed by one who follows it, and the path is tiring. So he wanted to minimize that, and the goal of the path of the Sharia is sensual happiness, and the truth is not its goal in general. For some people are those who attain the truth at the first step that puts them on the path of the Sharia, because the face of The truth is in every step, and what is for every person is revealed to him the face of th

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