The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Names that were not customary to be given to him, so you give him them out of mercy, and you find them numbered in the Liwa, and it is an honorable knowledge. We had decided to put a book on it, so we limited it to a small part that we called Knowledge of the Introduction to Names and Euphemisms, and it is a strange and strange method that I have not seen anyone point out about. The predecessors, despite their knowledge of it, and among the sciences of this revelation is the science of generality, which is followed by detail without delay, and in it is the knowledge of the revelation of the books from where they are revealed and what divine names are present in them. Are all the revealed books from the presence of one of the names, or do their presence differ depending on the reason for their revelation? For even if God wrote it with His hand, then what is the Torah? It was revealed to miraculous opposition, and the Qur’an was revealed to be miraculous, so the presence of the name

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Their Lord. And if you could only see, when they stood over the Fire, it was reported. And on the Day when those who disbelieve will be exposed to the Fire. Does exposure enter or not? And in it is the knowledge of conformity, and it is a dear knowledge. In it is the knowledge of anti-proverbs, and in it is the knowledge of what is obligatory for the messengers and what is not obligatory, and in it is the knowledge of not trusting the usual reasons for a matter that is not about them. It appears from it that the opposite is the case from where the mistake occurred for the one who trusted it. It contains knowledge of things that perish from imperishable and what perishes whether they perish by themselves or not.

And in it there is knowledge of everything in you and from you, so nothing strange will happen to you. What is it? With you, it is only revealed to you, and it is a dear knowledge, also what every one of God’s people knows, and in it is the knowledge of the difference b

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It is the house in which the second banner of the banners of praise appears, which includes ninety-nine divine names . For the sake of my succession to the theater

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