The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And praising God by praising God does not tire of tongues, unlike praising names, for tongues tire and tire and stop at it. This is why whoever said what was prescribed for him to say in praise of God, so he said in conclusion when we are exhausted and limited, I cannot count your praise as you have praised yourself, and see the wisdom of God. God Almighty in

the fact that He did not assign an attribute to Him in His Books, but rather distanced Himself from description, and said, “And to God belong the most beautiful names.” So He made them names and did not make them adjectives or attributes, and He said, “Call upon Him by them and by them.” Praise and the name are what gives praise, and the name is what gives praise, but rather gives Him adjectives. And the attribute is what most people feel, because the Truth is what He mentioned as an epithet in His creation. Rather, He made that nouns like proper nouns that did not come to praise, but rather came to indicate. And thes

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