The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And the saying of Abu Yazid: “Batashi” is more severe in this matter, and it contains knowledge of relief after hardship, and whether relief does not occur except after hardship or not, and it contains knowledge of the types of affliction, and it contains knowledge of the attribute that removes confusion from the one who carried it out, and the explanation of that, knowledge of divine breaths, and knowledge of travels. The results of travels, the knowledge of sermons, the knowledge of victory in which there is no divine victory, even if they were victorious, and in it is the knowledge of the difference between the knowledge of the eye and the knowledge of evidence, and whether it takes the place of the eye or not, and in it is the knowledge of the types of adornments in the world, and in it is the knowledge of the ranks of the sciences and their details, and in it is the knowledge of previous judgment, such as the knowledge of the negation of destiny, and in it is knowledge. Impri

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The two conquests are two conquests in the meaning and in the words *** Whoever completes it will be called the one who compiles the rulings

And if he wandered among the universes, his abode *** would be in the presence of speech .

He is the first in meaning by his rank *** in the world of light No in a world of injustice .

Do not despise the servants of God because they have a share from God, the Possessor of bounties and blessings .

The universe is great, so the signified seeks it *** and it is innocent of calamities and accusations

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Know that God has in the Praiseworthy Place in which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, will be raised on the Day of Resurrection with his Praiseworthy Name, seven banners called the banners of praise, which are given to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his Muhammadan heirs. In the banners are the names of God with which the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, praises his Lord. I will be placed in the Praiseworthy Station on the Day of Resurrection, which is what he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said when he was asked about intercession. He said, “Then I praise God with praises that I do not know now,” which are praise of Him, Glory be to Him, with these names that that situation requires, and God Almighty does not praise Him except by His most beautiful names, especially His names. Glory be to Him, He does not encompass knowledge of it, for we know

that in Paradise there is something that n

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