The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Of course, he seeks help from man, for he helps him in what he calls him to of following desires, so he commanded man to fight him from these directions and to fortify these directions with what the Sharia commanded him to fortify them with, so that Satan would not find a way to enter him from them. He came to you from your hands and you expelled him from the sciences, the sciences of light became apparent to you as a blessing from God upon you and a reward as you preferred the side of God over your desires, and the sciences of light are of two types: sciences of revelation and sciences of proof, with sound thought, and he obtains by means of proof what he rejects the misleading suspicions that cast doubt on the existence of the truth, its monotheism, its names, and its actions, then with proof. He responds to the objectionable one and indicates proof of the existence of God, and with it he responds to the polytheists who posit another god with God, and indicates the monoth

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When Moses, peace be upon him, threw his staff and it was a slithering snake, he feared it for himself as usual. Rather, God presented this knowledge to his hands before gathering the sorcerers so that he could be certain of God that it was a sign and that it would not harm him. His second fear was when the sorcerers threw the ropes. And the sticks became serpents in the eyes of those present over the nation, so that they would not be confused about the matter, so that they would not differentiate between imagination and reality, or between what is from God and what is not from God, so the attachment of the two fears differed, for he, peace be upon him, was clear from his Lord, strong of courage regarding what was presented to him, when he was told in the speech. The first: Take it and do not be afraid. We will restore it to its original state, that is, it will return to a stick as it was in your eyes. So God Almighty hid the stick in the spirituality of the Isthmian serpent, so i

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