The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the length of the world and its breadth, and the length of the world is the world of spirits and its breadth is the world of the forms of bodies, but we said forms of bodies and we did not say bodies because of imaginary bodies, and if they are real bodies in their presence, then they are not bodies for everyone because of the quick change in them and because they refer to the eye of the beholder and not to them. Real bodies are bodies not in themselves, not to the eye of the beholder. Whether the beholder is present or not, they are bodies in themselves, and the other bodies are bodies not in themselves, as he said. It seemed to him from their magic that they were running, and they were bodies in their own eyes that had no ruling on running, so they appeared in the eye of Moses in the form of the body that He has an effort, but the matter in itself is not like that, and the third part of this ruling of appearance and concealment appears in seven hundred and twenty places, and

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