The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Those who remember God because God is their companion is from the broad name, and in it is knowledge of the levels of faith from knowledge and which degrees are higher, and in it is knowledge of the bankrupt and what has made them bankrupt despite what they have of what is present, and in it is knowledge of God’s return to the servant when he returns, whether he differs or does he not differ, and why is that difference due? It was different whether it was for the returnee or the condition of the one to whom it was returned. It contains knowledge of the divine wrath that turning away from remembrance produces. It contains knowledge of what avails and what does not avail. It contains the division of parties from what reality they are separated from the divine realities. It contains knowledge of divine obligation regarding what is related. It contains knowledge of those who leave their loved ones and why they are abandoned. And what is their adornment and characteristic, and in it is

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