The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It makes sense if you think about our source *** denial for denial and proof for proof

Who is astonishing about the matter is that I have never ceased to exist *** and that I am with this self-initiated

Your Lord has existed and there is nothing with Him *** Other than Him, there is neither past nor future.

With affection and mercy, the whole sought its part and the whole part, and they joined together, and from that joining appeared the notables of the children, so the name of fatherhood was valid for them, so the existence of the children was given a rule for the fathers that they did not have, which is fatherhood, and the Lord is not like that, for He has not ceased to be eternal Lord. The possible in its possibility is still described by possibility, whether the possible exists or is characterized by nothingness, for looking

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