The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

No _ _ _ People worship other than their minds *** and people are between a Muslim and a stubborn person

God Almighty said, “And your God is one God,” and God Almighty said, “If there had been in them any gods other than God, they would have been corrupted.” And God Almighty said, “Indeed, I will place a caliph on earth.” And the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “If a pledge of allegiance is given There are two caliphs, so kill the other of them.

And he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The caliphs are from Quraysh”

And “qarsh” means contracting and gathering. When this tribe gathered tribes, it was called Quraysh, meaning a group of tribes. Among them is a marine animal called “qarsh,” I saw it contracting. A community, and likewise the imam, if he is not characterized by the morals of the one he appointed as successor, combining them with what those whom he appointed as successor need, otherwise his caliphate is

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Know that His essence is not divided, nor that He is not a compound, nor that He is composed of anything, nor that He is a body, nor that He is not a body. Rather, He said in His description that there is nothing like Him, and since the Truth, Glory be to Him, did not attempt to inform His servants of what they entered into with their minds or their commands. God is in His book through intellectual consideration, except that they can infer by that that He is one God, that is, it only indicates oneness in rank, so do not take two gods, rather He is one God. So they increased their view and departed from the purpose that they assigned, so they confirmed for him attributes that he did not confirm for himself, and another group denied those attributes from him. He did not deny it from himself, nor did he stipulate it in his book, nor according to the Sunnah of his prophets. Then they differed in giving names to him. Some of them gave him something that he did not apply to himself, eve

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