The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The science of education, the science of the afterlife, the science of renting from others, the science of mercy, the science of distress, the science of profit and loss, the science of understanding minds, the science of the end of seeking, the science of divine command, the science of the world, the science of divine power, the science of encompassing, and does God’s knowledge end in the world or not, and I have never seen anyone say it except one person. In Mecca, he used to hold this opinion, and it is a well-known school of thought, but I have never seen someone saying it, for there is no school except that I have seen people saying it. God takes us on the right path, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path.

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Whoever treats the truth with sincerity has gained *** and if there is polytheism in it, then they have allowed it

Knowledge is two types of knowledge: gifted and acquired *** The best knowledge is that the servant obtains what he is given

Likewise it is known that the knowledge of gain does not have *** in weight there is a share Because the servant did not work hard.

Your heart becomes sad if its balance is weak *** just as it is pleased if its balance is outweighed

And enter the door of emptying the store, you will see *** the knowledge of the eye when its door opens.

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Know that the abode of the wretched and the angels of torment are in the glorification and glorification of God just as they are the angels of bliss in the abode of bliss. There is no difference. They are all obedient servants. The one blesses God and the other avenges God. Likewise, the two fists are the two worlds, the world of happiness and the world of misery. None of them is hurtful, and there is not in them the essence of an individual except that he is glorified. God is sanctified by His majesty, not knowing what His soul, the one responsible for Him and responsible for it, which God Almighty has entrusted to worship Him and to stand by these limbs and with His apparent knowledge, does not know what He has determined for Him. If the limbs knew what the soul knows about determining what is disobedience and what is obedience, they would not have agreed to contravene at all, for they would not see anything of it. Existing beings are only praising God and sanctifying His majest

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