The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Unless it is a fatwa from a jurist and his handwriting that I have that it is permissible, then the curse of God be upon them. A jurist, such-and-such, has given me a fatwa and appointed for me the best jurist he has in his country in religion and austerity, stating that it is not obligatory for me to fast this particular month of Ramadan, but rather it is obligatory for one month in the year and it is my choice in it whichever month I wish. One of the months of the year, the Sultan said, “I cursed him inwardly, but I did not show it to him.” He was so-and-so, and he named him for me. May God have mercy on all of them. You should know that Satan has been empowered by God in the presence of imagination and given him authority over it. So if he sees the jurist inclining to a desire that he knows will be displeasing to God, his bad deeds are made clear to him by a strange interpretation that paves the way for him. He has a side in it that improves it in his view and says to him that

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Know that if a person renounces his purpose and desires his own self and prefers his Lord, He establishes for him the truth, instead of his image of himself, the image of truly divine guidance from the truth, until he lingers in the branches of light, which are the law of his Prophet and the message of his Messenger, and receives from his Lord what will make him happy. He sees it in the image of his prophet, and some of them see it in the image of his condition. If it appears to him in the image of his prophet, let him focus his understanding on what that image presents to him and nothing else, for Satan does not appear in the image of a prophet at all, for that is the reality of that prophet and his spirit, or the image of an angel like him who knows from God his law, so what he said to him. It is that, and we have learned from such a form many matters of legal rulings that we did not know from the scholars or from the books. When I presented what that form of legal rulings addre

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