The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He is known only to the prophets in particular, so praise be to God who bestowed upon us the knowledge of him. We have not seen that except because God has graciously granted us complete respect for His messengers, peace be upon him, and His revealed laws, and the knowledge of righteousness is specific to them. So God has enabled me to reap its fruit. I have alerted you to the path that leads to the knowledge of righteousness, the path of which people have overlooked and made use of. In the fourth layer, they took the path as a straight line, but the path of truth is not like that, but rather it is straight and round, for the people are ignorant of the meaning of straightness in things, what it is, so straightness in a circle is to be a correct circle such that every line emerging from the point to the perimeter of it is equal to its companion and the rest of the lines, just as straightness is in shape. The square and the triangle are to have equal sides with equal angles, just as

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It is the house of the Imam who is to the left of the pole.

I am amazed at the house that he built and improved, and he inhabited it with a generous spirit and spoiled it

And it will be destroyed by those who do not restore it *** Who has the right to reunite it, who has the right to reunite it

And it was something he had established *** I wish I could see what could have managed it

Why not he built it first and established it *** Establishing what will remain. Her countenance will disappear

And she did not do anything that deserved a response *** But it was not her worst and nor was her strongest

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Know, may God help you, O intimate guardian and noble purifier, that life is for the spirits governing all bodies, fiery, earthy, and luminous, like light for the sun, all the same. Life has a psychological description. They do not appear on anything except that that thing comes to life and the life of that spirit appearing to it flows through it just as the light of the sun passes through it. In the body of the air and the face of the earth and every place where the sun appears, and from here it is known who the soul of the world is and from whom it derives its life, and what is the meaning of the Almighty’s saying, “God is the light of the heavens and the earth.” Then he made a parable and said, “The likeness of His light is like a niche, which is the window in which there is a lamp, which is the light.” To the end of the simile, whoever understands the meaning of this verse will know to memorize. God is the All-Knowing. This verse is one of the secrets of knowledge of God Almig

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