The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

I am certain that it was Luqman, then he moved from the one who established the ruling to the one who gained the ruling, then he moved from the one who gained the ruling to the one who compiled the ruling, and I do not know to whom the matter passed after him. I will mention in this book, if the names of these people come, the knowledge they were specialized in, and we will mention a question for each one of them, God willing, and it will happen. That is on my tongue, so I do not know what God is doing to me, and this amount is sufficient on this topic, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path. End of Part Thirteen

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The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace , said, “The breath of the Most Merciful comes to me from before Yemen.

It was said that the Ansar had God’s breath on them on the authority of his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, for the suffering he had with the polytheist infidels and the breath of the scents of divine nearness, so when it smelled The visions of those who know knew these breaths, and there were reasons for them to seek an immutable investigator in that place who would inform them of what lies within that most sacred place. And these breaths did not bring them from custom except a soul of secrets and knowledge. After searching with determination and being exposed to the scents of generosity, they knew of a divine person who has the secret that they seek and the knowledge that they seek. They want to attain it, and the Truth has established it among them as a pole upon which their orbit revolves. As for what their king does, he is

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The first secret revealed to the first age, from which the ages were created, and the first action was given to do what the spirituality of the seventh heaven requires, the heaven of Kiwan, so iron became silver through planning and workmanship, and iron became gold through specialization, and it is a wondrous secret. This was not sought for a desire for money, but a desire for good money to stand. From this on the level of perfection and that it is acquired in formation, the first level of the contraction of metallic vapors with astronomical movements and natural heat, mercury, sulfur, and everything formed in the metal, seeks the goal, which is perfection, which is gold, but ills and diseases occur to it in the metal, such as excessive dryness, excessive humidity, heat, or Coldness takes him out of moderation, and that disease affects him in a form called iron, copper, asrab, or other metals. So he gave this sage the knowledge of drugs and medicines that remove the use of that e

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When man was created by God, and he was Adam, the origin of this human creation and the natural, elemental physical form, his body consisted of hot, cold, wet, and dry. Rather, it consisted of cold and dry, cold and wet, hot and wet, and hot and dry, which are the four black humors, phlegm, blood, and bile, as they are in the body of the great world, fire and air. And water and dirt, so God created

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