The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Prophets of saints, and the whole group is equal in supplicating to God with insight, just as God Almighty commanded His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to say, “Call to God with insight.” I and those who follow me, and they are the people of this position, are in this nation like the prophets in the Children of Israel on a level of worship. Aaron according to the law of Moses, peace be upon them both, despite his being a prophet. God bore witness to his prophecy and declared it in the Qur’an. Such people preserve the correct law about which there is no doubt for themselves and for this nation of those who follow them. They are the most knowledgeable of people about the law, but the jurists do not allow that to them, and these people are not obligated to provide evidence for it. They are truthful, rather they must be discreet for their position, and they should not respond to graphic scholars regarding what is proven by them, even though they know that this is an e

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It has been reported from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the scholars of this nation are the prophets of the Children of Israel.

This means the status to which we have referred, for the prophets of the Children of Israel used to preserve and carry out the laws of their messengers. In them, as well as the scholars and imams of this nation, they memorize the rulings of its Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, like the scholars of the Companions and those who descended from them among the Successors and the followers of the Successors, such as Al-Thawri, Ibn Uyaynah, Ibn Sirin, Al-Hasan, Malik, Ibn Abi Rabah, Abu Hanifa, and those who descended from them, such as Al-Shafi’i and Ibn Hanbal, and whoever followed the path of these to so on in memorizing. Provisions

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Among the scholars of this nation who preserve the affairs of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the secrets of his knowledge, such as Ali, Ibn Abbas, Salman, Abu Hurairah, and Hudhayfah, and among the followers, such as Al-Hasan Al-Basri, Malik bin Dinar, Banan Al-Hammal, Ayyub Al-Sakhtiani, and those descended from them in time, such as Shayban Al-Ra’i, Faraj Al-Aswad Al-Muammar, Al-Fudayl Ibn Ayadh, Dhul-Nun Al-Misri, and those who descended from them. Such as Al-Junaid, Al-Tastari, and those who follow the example of these people who are masters in preserving the prophetic state, worldly knowledge, and divine secret. The secrets of the keepers of the ruling are halted in the Throne at the feet, since they did not have a prophetic state that gives a divine secret or worldly knowledge. The secrets of guarding the prophetic state and worldly knowledge from the scholars of the preservation of the ruling and others are halted at the Throne. And some of them have

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As for the leaders of the nations who were completed in other than this nation, from those who preceded us in time, there are a group whose names were mentioned to me in the Arabic tongue when I witnessed them and saw them in the presence of the Isthmus while I was in the city of Cordoba in a more sacred sight. Among them were the divider, the healer of the afflicted, the weeping, the one who raises, the healer, the destroyer, the one who destroys, the one who destroys, the tree of water, the element of life, the wanderer, the one who returns, and the maker. And the pilot, the peacemaker, the caliph, the divided, the living, the archer, the broad, the sea, the poster, the guide, the reformer, and the rest. These are the perfect ones who were named for us from Adam, peace be upon him, to the time of Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him .

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As for the one pole, it is the spirit of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it is the source of all the prophets and messengers, may God’s peace be upon them all, and the poles from the time of human emergence until the Day of Resurrection

It was said to him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when were you a prophet? He said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. May God bless him and grant him peace, and Adam was between the water and the mud.

His name was the healer of calamities, for he was expert in the wounds of passion, opinion, the world, the devil, and the soul, with every prophetic or messenger tongue or the tongue of guardianship. He had looked at the birthplace of his body in Mecca and the Levant, and now he turned his gaze to A land of great heat and dryness to which none of the sons of Adam can reach it with his body, except that some people from Mecca saw it in his place without moving. The earth was oiled for him and he

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