The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Even if it throws to its knowledge *** minutes and quarters

From Every knowledge has nothing to do with it *** except for the attribute of the One, the All-Conquering

It returned to its spheres, its dominions *** with a blessing from the presence of the righteous

She was beautified by good reception, so she became *** with the two pictures with good effects

And she was certain that the acquaintances *** I have given the people of knowledge secrets.

And I desired the length of the place in my courtyard *** because of its departure from the eccentricities.

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Know, may God help you, O intimate friend, that when God Almighty created creation, He destined them for stations that they would not exceed, so He created angels as angels when He created them, and He created messengers as messengers, and prophets as prophets, and saints as guardians, and believers as believers, and hypocrites and disbelievers as disbelievers. All of that is distinct with Him, Glory be to Him, a known helper, and He does not add to them, nor subtract from them, nor subtract from them. He replaces one person with another, so no created being has any gain, nor do you work to achieve a position for which he was not created. Rather, emptiness has occurred from that, and that is the decree of the Mighty, the All- Knowing .

The stations of every existing thing and every class do not exceed them, and no one runs other than its course. God Almighty said regarding the planets, “Each.” They swim in an orbit, and so every existent has a path of his own that no one e

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I knew that prophecy is a divine prerogative, and that the message is the same, as are guardianship, faith, disbelief, and all conditions, and that earning is a prerogative, for the angels do not have a prerogative, rather they are created in their positions and do not exceed them, so they do not gain a position, even if they increase in knowledge, but not from thought and reasoning, because their upbringing does not give that like what it gives. The origins of man and the strong

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